
“You have no idea how unimportant is all that the teacher says or does not say on the surface, and how important what he himself is as teacher.” - Rudolf Steiner

Who are you? What do you bring to the child? What even is your role?

Reflective practice opens a door to inner wisdom, clarity and inspiration. Our team of educators and other professionals can help guide you to explore these questions and uncover gifts and strategies for your work with children. In this way you will enrich your daily experiences and deepen your appreciation of childhood, play and the benefits of nature for all children.

We deeply value childhood and therefore, those who protect it. Our mentoring and professional development sessions will support you wherever you are on your journey.

We have a diverse collective of professionals who can inform, inspire, engage and support you on your path. As experienced educators, we understand.

If you are seeking inspiration, if you are ready to explore your practise, if you wish to incorporate risky play, if you are willing to embrace nature as a key teacher and a fundamental component of your best practice service delivery then please contact us today. We would love to discuss with you how we can provide mentorship and professional development for you or your team.